Varicose veins: what you need to know all the

Is it possible to resist the varicose veins and what to do if it began to appear, Sputnik find out an expert.

The venous pattern of the legs many of us consider the norm.

Varicose veins in the legs

Varicose veins is a disease or as a result of load? How dangerous is it? Examined from the point of view of the physiology of the body.

More Common In Europeans

Varicose veins disease known since the time of Egypt. He tried to take care of Hippocrates and Avicenna.

Now this disease affects so much of the working population. And often are not physiological conditions.

The outflow of blood from the lower extremities occur in the veins: deep, located deep in the muscles, under the skin and extends to the subcutaneous fat. The deep and superficial venous system of the legs is connected to the network of veins. A key feature of the structure of the lower limb veins have valves that control blood flow is severely heart, let the blood flow down. The valves of the network of veins so that the flow of blood in the saphenous veins of the deep and prevent its return. Venous valves in the legs are unevenly distributed. Most of them in the leg, less of the femur.

Interestingly, the varicose veins often affects people with white skin color. The reason is the number of valves. Representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races number of valves many times more than Caucasians.

If the dam leak

What causes blood flow in the veins up to the heart? First, active contraction of the muscles, of the foot, shank and thigh, as well as the contraction of the diaphragm and partly the heart rate. Any business-twitch muscles squeeze the blood in your veins and push it toward the heart. It is believed that the calf muscles are the second heart of the body, because when you walk they play an important role.

The law of the movement of fluids in the body do not differ from the laws of fluid motion in nature.

If the path of the river appeared to block (dam), the less obstacles, the river begins to expand (spread). The same thing is happening in the body. If the veins towards the heart, where it is compressed, it does not have to pump extra amount of blood distending the lower parts of the veins, thereby disturbing the operation of the valves (they are not closed) and blood flow in General. Veins began to expand.

Varicose veins (varicose veins) is considered to be an extension of the saphenous veins. If we talk about his legs, when a person is standing, the veins do not protrude above skin level.

There are two approaches to solve the problem:

  • the treatment of insufficiency of the venous valves, solder or to remove the superficial veins;
  • remove cause constriction or tightening of the vein toward the heart.
  • Varicose veins

Blood in the lower extremities rises into the femoral vein, which are collected from the inferior vena cava, which then enters the right atrium.

This long journey there are a number of obstacles, which is Vienna (venous pole) can be narrowed by increasing the pressure in the lower parts.

If problems arise in the colon (part of the cecum), by virtue of the anatomy of the veins of the first started to swell the left leg (the bell), so you need to carefully monitor bowel movements and avoid constipation.

Normal stool a person should be daily in the morning. It is important to adhere to proper eating behavior.

What you should know about varicose veins in women

The birth women have weakened pelvic floor muscles, which in turn can put pressure on the femoral vein.

The first bell of the weakness of the pelvic floor is the appearance of spider veins in the ankle bone area. Very effective exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, for example, Kegel exercises.

Inflammation of the ovaries or adhesive disease is both a cause and a consequence of the varicose veins. Venous blood is saturated with toxins and carbon dioxide, and stagnation is always increase in the concentration of those toxins that lead to inflammation and tissue change, therefore, all the organs located in the pelvis, are in danger. Stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis including the cause of infertility, impotence, and hemorrhoids.

Cause of blood stasis in the pelvis may be the lack of exercise and sedentary work. Therefore, during the movement of the day or banal charging during operation is a vital necessity.

Hormonal women acceptance of contraceptives lead to chronic venous insufficiency.

Not be damaged?

State and anatomical position of the liver play a huge role in either the prevention (if healthy), or if (if there are deviations) of varicose veins.

When the veins going to the lower limbs to the right atrium, passes through and under the liver, enlargement of the liver or pivot about its axis can cause compression of the veins and increase the venous pressure in the lower divisions, what causes varicose veins.

Injuries to the lumbar spine

Grado-abdominal membrane sensitive to the psycho-emotional state of man. Negative emotions (fear, anger, irritation) causes the release of hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, which causes, in turn, muscle spasm, compression of the lumen of the venous pole.

Taking into account that we are irritated during the day, not just once or twice, the health of the nervous system is of great importance in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

Injuries to the lumbar spine, weakness of the square lumbar muscles can form the incorrect function of the venous pump (to pump blood through the in and out breathing). This creates a stagnation pressure increases in the veins, and as a consequence – the expansion of veins.

Wearing tight clothing and footwear also promotes the compression of superficial veins and obstruction of the movement of blood flow.

Very dangerous sitting posture, with upturned legs and feet. If this position is not only attached to the vein at the knee hole, but the disturbed position of the pelvic organs.

To keep the process under control

Set up and solve the problem help – the test, ultrasound, x-ray, contrast agents, and others.

The condition of the blood directly affects the varicose veins. Thick and sticky blood is always very difficult to push upward, to overcome the attraction of the Country. This leads to deterioration of the venous vessels, valves and the formation of blood clots. This is a very dangerous condition because the clot break off, hitting a lung or the heart, can lead to rapid death, and sometimes the doctors just do not have time to provide emergency relief.

Untreated long-term varicose veins can lead to thrombophlebitis, because of the stagnant venous blood is rich in toxins and can cause inflammation of the inner surface (epithelial lining) of the vein.

It is important to keep varicose veins under control – when the vein is maximally extended, and restore it to its former condition would be impossible. Except that to remove. But you need to understand that the body is any excess blood volume is removed vein is still close, which increases the burden on them.

Deep vein thrombosis

If the symptoms, contact your doctor?

The first sign of trouble came the swelling of the lower legs and feet, feeling of heaviness in the legs that appear long-term stay in a sitting position or a standing position. These symptoms disappear or are reduced significantly when walking and after a night of rest.

If you ignore these symptoms, so eventually there will be unbearable pain in the calves, burning sensation in the legs and night cramps in the calf muscles. Will occur and external changes. The thighs and legs appear a small blue-red vascular "stars", through the skin will begin to appear in the veins, with a diameter of 2 mm, and finally, the most typical manifestation of the disease – varicose veins.

Today, there are two methods of treatment of varicose veins: surgical and conservative.

Conservative treatment maximally eliminate the factors that lead to varicose veins. However, the situation is strongly genetic disposition – then, as they say, you can only fight as a result.

How to maintain the body?

You must comply with the water-drinking control. Water is taken from the parts: often and in small portions. Exclude the food, which can cause thirst, constipation and atherosclerosis. To completely eliminate sweets, because the sugar leads to glycation of red blood cells and thrombosis, flour flour, because it leads to flatulence.

 Nordic walking with sticks

Must be a physical activity (swimming, nordic walking) and a special daily exercises for the legs. But the active sport of lifting weights is not suitable.

The manifestation of varicose veins should wear compression underwear or impose elastic bandage. It is very important that the bandage, when the stretching does not change its shape, and the number of ties always starts with the foot, grasping the heel.

The doctor will take venotonic drugs.

Also today, a very popular sclerotherapy and laser repair. Highly effective pneumatic massage, if you carry out courses.

Involved in the prevention or treatment of varicose veins, pay attention to yourself and symptoms that can bother you for the first time. Remember that the vein is part of the body, they are vessels of life, our amazing body. Healthy!